In the heart of Midland, PA, Valmont Coatings, a renowned galvanizer's facility, faced a unique challenge—marking short-run products with variable information in an efficient and legible manner. Laurie Barcasky from Leading Marks stepped up to the challenge, testing the capabilities of the EBS-260 Handjet on galvanized pipes at Valmont Coatings, and the results were nothing short of transformative. This was a trial run with a customer testing an EBS260 Handjet Hand Held Ink Marking Device This is a galvanizers facility that needed a method of marking short run products with variable information in an efficient and legible way. The EBS-260 Handjet’s print height has 32 dots with print heights up to 2.2″ and provides one to four separate lines of code. The capacity of the ink cartridge to up to 200,000 characters in a 7×5 matrix. The large, highly-readable screen made it easy to adjust print parameters at the touch of a finger, ensuring optimum printing results without interrupting work flow. Now with over a year in place after the test Valmont Industries has purchased additional EBS260 Handjets to keep up with production. They have found the tool exceptionally easy to use and easy to program. EBS-260 Handjet: A Powerful Solution for Part Marking The EBS-260 Handjet emerged as the ideal solution for Valmont Coatings' part marking needs. Its impressive features and functionalities played a pivotal role in streamlining the marking process on galvanized pipes, ensuring efficiency, clarity, and adaptability to variable information. Some key features of the EBS-260 Handjet include:
Hot-Dip Galvanizing the Steel City Valmont Coatings, also known as "Pittsburgh Galvanizing", located in Midland, PA, is a leading galvanizer's facility specializing in protective coatings for various industries. With a 54’ galvanizing kettle and lifting capacity of up to 40,000 pounds, they can process material up to 90' long with a progressive dip. As a critical player in the supply chain, Valmont Coatings faced the challenge of marking short-run products efficiently, requiring a solution that could adapt to variable information. Success and Expansion: A Year After the Test With over a year in place after the successful EBS-260 Handjet test, Valmont Industries has not only embraced the technology but has also expanded its usage. The facility now boasts additional EBS-260 Handjets to keep up with production demands. The ease of use and programmability have been key factors in Valmont's decision to integrate this tool into their operations seamlessly. Transforming Part Marking with EBS-260 Handjet The success story at Valmont Coatings highlights the transformative impact of the EBS-260 Handjet on part marking for galvanized pipes. Its adaptability, efficient variable information printing, and user-friendly interface make it an invaluable tool for industries with diverse part marking needs. As Valmont Industries continues to thrive, the EBS-260 Handjet stands as a symbol of innovation, efficiency, and success in the realm of industrial part marking.
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